Stockdale Capital Lawsuit, Articles W

Antidepressants are used to treat depression, but also anxiety, insomnia, and pain. Divorce or the death of a spouse can lead to anxiety disorders. In the past, we have conducted trephination and lobotomies, neither of which are used today. 152. Evidence of the effectiveness of psychodynamic therapy comes from: a. natural observation. Through their training and their professional activities, clinical psychologists become very familiar with the definitions of various forms of abnormal behavior and the ways it differs from normal behavior. They add, Oftentimes someone being treated with CBT will have homework in between sessions where they practice replacing negative thoughts with more realistic thoughts based on prior experiences or record their negative thoughts in a journal. For more on CBT, visit: a. existential b. humanistic c. sociocultural d. behavior-focused, 139. Uni-dimensional models alone are too simplistic to explain the etiology of mental disorders fully. b. cultural deprivation that is characteristic of some groups. If a therapist advised you to pay attention to how you were communicating with family members and to change harmful patterns, the therapist would MOST likely to be practicing: In science, the perspectives used to explain phenomena are known as which of the following? b. accepting problematic thoughts. b. ego. Psychopharmacology and psychotropic drugs. The defense mechanism that BEST explains his behavior is: a. rationalization. A therapist who believes people often hide from their responsibilities and therefore often feel alienated, depressed, and inauthentic would MOST likely be described as: The proper conclusion from research studies that show a relationship between devout religious people who see God as warm and caring and psychological health is that: people who are more devout are also psychologically healthier. The cognitive model of panic disorder focuses on misinterpretations of. And then we return to resting potential, as you saw in Figure 2.4. b. Borderline personality disorder has also been found to be higher in people in low-income brackets (Tomko et al., 2012) and group differences for personality disorders have been found between African and European Americans (Ryder, Sunohara, and Kirmayer, 2015). The uni-dimensional model proposes a single factor as the cause of psychopathology while the multi-dimensional model integrates multiple causes of psychopathology and affirms that each cause comes to affect other causes over time. Watson believed that the subject matter of psychology was to be observable behavior, and to that end, psychology should focus on the prediction and control of behavior. c. operant conditioning. d. understand how beliefs and values are related to behaviors. How so? A self-help group differs from group therapy in that the self-help group: a. focuses on less serious problems. Freud believed that the id is fueled by: a. self-preservation. d. reality principle. Positive means that you are giving something good or bad. How is the anatomy of the brain important to a discussion of psychopathology? This is called: a. fixation. This action MOST strongly suggests that the _____ is firmly in control of Nikolai. As you might expect, the behavior will begin to weaken and eventually stop when this occurs. In terms of distinctive structures, these focus on the ability of a neuron to send and receive information. The drug causes severe vomiting if a person drinks alcohol while taking the drug. 51. The neuron next moves into a relative refractory period, meaning it can fire but needs higher than normal levels of stimulation. Behaviors and thoughts may influence the development of psychological disorders. e. Models of abnormality are general hypotheses as to the nature of psychological abnormalities. Exemplify the effect of schemas on creating abnormal behavior. Watson and Rayner (1920) conducted one of the most famous studies in psychology. It consists of the brain and spinal cord. These two cases demonstrate what principle of developmental psychopathology? When her friends or family criticize or express disapproval over something Johannah has done, she experiences a deep depression and self-abuse. The genes responsible for anxiety disorders or related psychological patterns are the same genes that once helped our ancestors survive and reproduce. To begin, an applied behavior analyst identifies a target behavior, or behavior to be changed, defines it, works with the client to develop goals, conducts a functional assessment to understand what the undesirable behavior is, what causes it, and what maintains it. A general term used for Freud's, Adler's, and Jung's theories is: The _____ operates in accord with the pleasure principle. This represents the individual pairings of a feared object or situation and relaxation. The goal of cognitive-behavioral therapy is BEST described as: modifying the client's negative behavior and dysfunctional ways of thinking. Abnormal behavior in the family causes an individual to develop dual personalities: one for the public and one for at home. c. Behavior that one group would classify as abnormal may be the norm in another group. 161. What form of psychotherapy is ChaeWoo receiving? b. Rogers. The nervous system consists of two main parts the central and peripheral nervous systems. A patients initial reaction to being told she has a sexually transmitted infection (STI) is to insist that the nurse made a mistake with the test. According to Freud, all _____ instincts tend to be sexual. It went through three major stages behaviorism proper under Watson and lasting from 1913-1930 (discussed as classical/respondent conditioning), neobehaviorism under Skinner and lasting from 1930-1960 (discussed as operant conditioning), and sociobehaviorism under Bandura and Rotter and lasting from 1960-1990 (discussed as social learning theory). Its key figures were Abraham Maslow, who proposed the hierarchy of needs, and Carl Rogers, who we will focus on here. Describe the role of hormonal imbalances in mental illness. Cognition-focused theorists would say that Johannahs depression results in large part from: a. Fritz Perls b. Joseph Wolpe c. Abraham Maslow d. Aaron Beck, 123. d. displacement. Next, a fear hierarchy, or list of feared objects and situations, is constructed in which the individual moves from least to most feared. In Panel B, we see that a neutral stimulus (NS) produces no response. Abnormal psychology is a branch of psychology that deals with psychopathology and abnormal behavior, often in a clinical context. This is an example of behavior modification using: Nari was taking the bar exam and was concerned that she didnt know the answers to many of the questions. What if? 77. 20. The room contains a highly prized toy, but they are told they cannot play with it. It consists of sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. Another option to treat mental disorders is to perform brain surgeries. How effective is the sociocultural model at explaining psychopathology and its treatment. b. it is unclear whether problematic behaviors and cognitions are the cause of psychological difficulties or the result. a. quaternary b. secondary c. tertiary d. meta. The so-called new wave of cognitive therapy differs from traditional cognitive therapy in that it emphasizes: A goal of behavior-focused therapy is to: replace problematic behaviors with more appropriate ones. Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is used MOST often in the treatment of: Which of the following is NOT a weakness of the biological model of abnormal behavior? a. equifinality b. eclectic integration c. multifinality d. timing. Your first semester of college, you have several midterms you need to study for. b. axons. MOST likely, this therapist is a _____ therapist. How does the cognitive model approach psychopathology? She had another shirt with her and wanted to change right then and there. 52. 34. b. family structure and communication. b. The _____ model proposes that humans must have an accurate self-awareness and live meaningful lives to be psychologically well adjusted. Current multicultural perspectives are MOST likely to focus on the: a. inferiority of particular cultural groups. 117. First, the id is the impulsive part that expresses our sexual and aggressive instincts. 2.3.4. d. classical conditioning. But as you will see, the individual does not have to present with the entire range of symptoms. d. people can inherit physical but not mental capacities. Can our schemas lead us astray or be false? A man has cheated on his partner and he feels very guilty, but soon he begins to make excuses, saying that his partner has nagged him for years. Todays techniques are much more sophisticated and have been used to treat schizophrenia, depression, and some personality and anxiety disorders. Males have X and Y chromosomes while females have two Xs. c. psychoanalysts. A patient has loss of neurons in the cortex and the basal ganglia. 23. Side effects include nausea, vomiting, blurred vision, weight gain, restlessness, tremors, and rigidity. These are the same four discussed under respondent conditioning. 89. Hence, we advocate for a multi-dimensional and not a uni-dimensional model. Consider hunger, and the associated rumbling of our stomach, fatigue, lack of energy, etc., that motivates us to find and eat food. However, she went to the restroom to change instead. In this family, the children are also discouraged from asking for advice or seeking support. b. cognitive-behavioral Both the id and the ego: a. unconsciously seek gratification. They include Lisdexamfetamine, the combination of dextroamphetamine and amphetamine, and Methylphenidate. B) chemical imbalances and brain damage. a. existential therapy b. free association c. mindfulness meditation d. gestalt therapy, 98. SAD occurs with greater frequency for those living far north or south from the equator (Melrose, 2015). A therapist pays close attention to what their client has to say and then makes an effort to show accurate empathy and sincerity in their responses. Examples of secondary punishers include a ticket for speeding, losing television or video game privileges, ridicule, or a fee for paying your rent or credit card bill late. Cognitive therapies. This is called the absolute refractory period. b. 61. Research on the relationship between religious beliefs and psychological health shows that people: a. without any religious belief are the healthiest. Considered the follow-up to Watson and Rayner (1920), Jones (1924; Figure 2.7) wanted to see if a child who learned to be afraid of white rabbits (Panel B) could be conditioned to become unafraid of them. A health care provider prescribes disulfiram (Antabuse) for a client with alcoholism. Really, the sky is the limit with reinforcers in particular. c. psychodynamic-gestalt. 33. Transcribed image text: model Curl Rogers and Abraham Maslow focused on the psychological roots of abnormal behavior and the need of human for velf acceptance. The good thing is that what is learned can be unlearned or relearned through behavior modification, the process of changing behavior.