During this rather dismal 14 month period I often wondered why so much red tape when the facts were undeniably evident (at least to me!) He kept his job until he died. has never reviewed my case as of June 2021. You have to prove it.. I was there for six months at ft. McClellan the Va keep trun me down on my lung that started there at ft. McClellan they say they dont know what to called it they know they dont want to Admit to it my name is Roy Kilgore, Can someone tell me why or how Agent Orange can skip the stomach. Often fence lines were sprayed to kill vegetation that may have hid the presence of enemy soldiers. This page list resources for Vietnam veterans exposed to agent organce, including certain Blue Water Navy veterans. The residue that was on them ? I would go up north to snorkel and fish during my time off. I served from 1968-68 with the first Marines . The burn pits were operating no matter which way the wind was blowing. Now along with other problems related to losing the prostate, I will be worrying about my bladder. I got nothing for that. If yours hasnt at least tried to help you file a claim, tell you county board or whoever hired her or him, you want a better representative. Agent Orange Exposure in Thailand - Hill & Ponton, P.A. NJ? I served in Vietnam in Long Binh and Saigon area from Nov 1966 thru Oct 1967 in the Army and had Agent Orange sprayed me many times. VA says Prove it. When was this and what was this? Saigon was actually worse as there was no garbage collection and large roadside dumps along Plantation road were set on fire periodically. I was at mountain home afb 1975 to 1980. Never wait to be notified. How about the contaminated waters in Fort Dix, I also inquired about a dental cleaning which I have been getting off campus. Roy, go to the nearest Disabled American Veterans office and ask them for assistance. Good to know that maybe in another 20 or 25 years they might actually get off their butts and help us too. Agent Orange was used at my location. They save a lot of money by just refusing claim after claim. No One in my family ever had hypothyroidism [Graves] so when the VA took my Thyroid from me, [and chained me to 14 medications a day for the remainder of my life] in December 1997, it was a shock to everyone in my family!!! Never hear much about this treatment and the affect it had. DOD knew in 1980s and Reagan gave several billion for Superfunds, matter of records, but even though it is proven those chemicals cause various diseases including Scleroderma and many autoimmune diseases. My husband, who is a Vietnam vet, has scleroderma. Suggest you contact your local Disabled American Veterans (DAV) chapter. Check in with the VFW or American Legion and they can guide you thru the process. Our desalinators were unable to filter A/O from salt water. ABF3 USS HORNET (CVS-12). Lets see what the VA does for me and others .For some reason they only admit Lejeune. They will help you prepare your disability claim . is being forced because of these new laws and regulations to admit exposure they previously denied. Are you, or someone you know, struggling with a mental health or substance use disorder? quadruple bypass Parkinsons like syndrome Biden awards Medal of Honor to Vietnam Col. Paris D. Davis after 60-year delay. Today I live with one lung because of my exposure to AGENT ORANGE. My husband served in Vietnam in 1967-1968 and was diagnosed with AML leukemia in September 2020 and died in February 2021. The airplanes flew over and sprayed us without warning, Ive complained for years with no results. Major 321 MW solar farm in Texas moves close to a final investment decision. God bless, I hope somehow something proper comes your way. How can I get information sent to me for adding the disability due to Hypothyroidism? Now it should be noted that when the chemical was sprayed one could not help but be exposed to it as the only way to the barracks was by military bus and if one wanted to eat one had to walk to the Mess Hall. 10% for coronary artery disease and bypass surgery? I would rather have died instantly on the battlefield with glory than suffer daily this slow death from Parkinsons developed from the toxic exposure from water at Camp Lejeune. One of their doctors lied and stated that he had examined me and found no problems related to Agent Orange. My dad died March 6 2021 of non-hodgkin lymphoma, he was a Marine in Camp Leguene 1963&64. Why do our veterans have to prove so much when agent orange was such a poison. i was stationed in Blue Water off the coast of Vietnam from 1968-1971 on board the USS WICHITA AND THE USS ZELIMA, both of which carried munitions, fuel, food and supplies. Even if I never see one additional dollar in compensation, it makes my day to see them put in print that yes, Agent Orange exposure causes Hypothyroidism {Graves] Disease!!! Expletive like her should not work for the Veterans Adim.I almost called the veterans hot line I was so depressed.I want to open up my claim again.Help me please. Ischemic Heart Disease (including Coronary Artery Disease, stable and unstable angina, myocardial infarction, and sudden cardiac death) I served in Vietnam 66-67 a grunt with the 1st Infantry Division I have intestrial lung disease/pulmonary fibrosis these are not considered related to agent orange exposure which is toxic so Im not eligible for disability and it should be you have to get lung cancer to get benefits. If you were denied they will contact you, you do not need to submit another claim. I also drank a lot of water and ate healthy foods. This goes on all the timeIm hung up on constantly, if I call 3 times they just hang up on me 3 times. Exactly? Everyday it is a fight with V.A. My buddy was Merle Stinger and he is missed GREATLY! I, at least, now have survivor benefits to help me in retirement. I lost my husband on February 12 th. If you already filed, find a VA advocate that is passionate about their job and will fight to get you the benefits you are entitled to. Now that is just one person. Soft Tissue Sarcomas (other than osteosarcoma, chondrosarcoma, Kaposis sarcoma, and mesothelioma). Im fully compensated, tax free, and have free medical. NOT a great idea sending him to the coastline and semi-jungle conditions back into death and destruction, but thats Uncle Sam for you. Sorry for your loss. Having any of these conditions is not fun and thanking us for our service doesnt help much. He had prostate cancer. This mysterious delay is not helping. Make an appointment. Several bills in Congress purport to take aim at the problem. Spent a year on that Island as many other Vets. The majority of his career has been dedicated to assisting veterans with legal issues nationwide. He died three years ago from penile cancer, a horrific disease. On Thursday, Pennsylvania Reps. Matt Cartwright (D) and Brian Fitzpatrick (R) introduced new legislation to expand the presumption of exposure to Agent Orange for disability benefits to. The area that I lived in was with the Philippians off base in a jungle area, which was sprayed with a chemical to control the growth of the jungle out side of our barracks. Daniel Clark Berg. A few years later they said oh yeah well give you hearing aides but your not service connected. VA will begin implementing provisions of the William M. Thornberry National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2021 (Public Law 116-283), adding three conditions to the list of those presumptively associated with exposure to herbicide agents, more commonly known as Agent Orange. He passed last year and I am sure his condition was caused by his exposure to Agent Orange or Blue Water exposure. All from Agent Orange. U-Tapao Air Base, Thailand, 1972The National Archives, Health Care During 2020-2021, VA and DoD updated the list of locations based on new information to several locations in the U.S. and oversees, including Thailand, Korea, and . Sounds like the guys are finally getting what they deserve. When did you serve in Korea? The process seems so slanted as if to prevent the possibility that higher-ranking people bear the burden of responsibility. But he trusted McHenry to make the historical case for him and veterans like him. I filed an appeal to reopen an agent Orange claim for diabetes from serving on a submarine in the Viet Nam waters for four deployments when the presumption for blue water sailors was approved and put into effect in January of 2020. Those of us who served on aircraft carriers operating out of yankee station are denied compensation for agent orange related conditions because we were outside the 12 mile limit. How about those of us that served in Okinawa and were exposed to AO on the boats that were sent from Vietnam for repairs? My claim for benefits for Agent Orange related Prostate cancer was approved in 2017. WASHINGTON - U.S. Hes a highly qualified Toxicologist who helps Veterans with claims for exposure to chemicals. A VA spokeswoman said If enacted, S.657 would expand universal eligibility for veterans who served in Thailand. Ive been told by VA examiners that its not in my blood system. Thats why I ask, is there anybody left? These, mostly men, werent thanked for their service, werent cheered as they arrived home. My Father Thomas H. Wilson Sr. (Deceased) died on February 14, 1986, after a gruesome battle with Bone, Lung, and, Stomach cancer. My neurosurgeon has been researching the neuropathy being caused by Agent Orange and he attests that it has only made matters worse with my neuropathy. [Editor: Although VA recommends Veterans work with accredited VSOs, heres a few details that can help. I have a Bladder condition for the last 21 years it was not cancer but I was at U-Tapao Thailand from Jan. 1975-March 1976? He was a body builder & very health conscious! My husband had Guillain Barre Syndrome for 3 1/2 yrs & never came home he was in different hospitals the whole 3 1/3 yrs & his liver took the best of him. We were in the field living in tents during phase line papa. They said in May 2012 they declared 100% disabled with the cancer. March 3 (UPI) -- In a cost-saving move, retail giant Amazon announced Friday that it will delay construction on a planned second corporate headquarters dubbed "HQ2" in Arlington, Va. President Joe Biden thanks German chancellor for his nation's help in Ukraine. He was recently diagnosed with Parkinsonism. Sadly the VA denies ALL such claims. My late husband was. Our vets are used and God sees this. Im 75 and i am sick and tired of being lied too. How meany of us will have to die a slow painful death before we can get recognized for needed benefits ? Thats our job., Its still essentially a case-by-case basis, Chisholm said. My father was in Vietnam as D he was a rifle man and jumped out of planes. Then was told, it was not caused by agent orange by the V A Doctor at Seattle. Developed diabetes. He is possibly having to go to nursing home because of my health, and only has 10%disability for tinnitus. Got bladder cancer treated by VA. We never thought, or were told to ask our First Sargent Can you tell me what chemicals we are using here, and how will they possibly affect my health 25 years from now? We were all asked to step up, and never thought that a real enemy might be the Department of Defense, or perhaps some other EM doing what he had been told to do. Whiskey Tango Foxtrot? Age discrimination is against the law and VA can set better example by doing the right thing. Our 29 year old son was just diagnosed with CML Leukemia. Curious about soldiers that worked on jets, etc. My claim with the VA was denied for compensation of the medical bills I had to pay out of pocket. No face covering, My husband with Parkinsons worked in torpedo shop in Hawaii cleaning torpedoes with a degreaser for 3 years plus worked on blue water ship for 8 months while it was dry docked, cleaning equipment and cleaning spilled herbicide in bottom of aircraft elevator and on the ships deck. The best thing for my situation was accomplished by my VSO officer. How about those of us that served in Okinawa and were exposed to AO on the boats that were sent from Vietnam for repairs? Make an appointment with your nearest VA representative. Charles, I too in my later years came down with Parkinson. It seems we are not getting any help from the very people whose jobs it is to help us. Everyone that was on the bases would have been in the spray zone for the herbicides, Flodder said. I looked at all your pages of breaking news and it is all the same ,lot of words and no info of the breaking news ,Have been trying since 1996, and not much help ,turned down because it was not on my active duty records ,tried to tell the them that my many disibility,s came after I came down with non Hoginkins lymphoma in 1995 made no difference,they are waiting till some more of us are dead,I have most of those disibility,s they are talking about ,and it is rough to think about sometimes,but we will make it without va ,and probably be better off . They owe it to you. They called me in for tests numerous times and had me interviewed by a psychiatrist, but other than that I never saw a doctor at the VA. Several months passed and I received a litter from the VA in which a doctor stated that he had examined me and found no diabetes or heart disease. have hearing loss. My father died from cancer from Agent Orange colon cancer the VA denied it . a veterans office where they are located. He had filed an Agent Orange claim several times. I have applied for agent orange compensation nearly two years ago. Another one of my buddies was just diagnosed with bladder cancer. People laughed at me at accused me of putting on. Go online and look for the name of your state and VA rep and it will pop up with a list. Wasnt Agent Orange used in Vietnam? What about us SEA Vets who did not have boots in Vietnam? They didnt even recognize Agent Orange exposure back then. My wife deserves better ans so do we. Paula Im with you, daughter died 18 months neuoblastoma, brother 44 brain cancer, sister breast cancer and ovarian cancer, i have had lung cancer, leiomysarcoma, soft cell sarcoma, pre colon cancer, I recieved the MUTATED TP53 gene, i dont care what any say the agent orange is a direct reflection of so much death and pain in my family. The bottom line is still that cases are NOT being dealt with in a timely manner, and additional illnesses are not being added to any list without first having one hell of a tough time being added. Take heart, they will get to you if you were initially denied. How did you find proof that the chemicals you mentioned can cause Scleroderma. Military Times reported that 50,000 U.S. troops were deployed to Thailand alone at the height of operations, but it isn't clear how many later deployed to Vietnam and are already eligible for presumptive benefits status. Had peripheral neuropathy that was diagnosed early because he also had injuries so he qualified for that when years later he made a claim. My husband is a Vietnam vet and has Scleroderma. No one ever told me and zi was too busy trying to survive and raise two kids with a bad case of PTSD and other conditions that affected them! VA says Prove it. Ive spent the last 40+ years unable to do any physical work because I cannot bend over or do anything physically stressful. Im not convinced the toxic exposure will ever be gone. I was born while he was in Vietnam and served on camp Pendelton Subic bay Diego Garcia and Camp Hansen all of which are super sites with contamination. Doctors say I have many ailments from AO exposure. Then we have all the small contaminations, and one big area VA has been quiet on is all us who was working prior to 1995 jobs that used the same TCE and Benzene in water for our everyday careers, like Armorers, and some mechanics, etc VA dont look at Job hazards when working claims, and they say stupid stuff like your sleep apnea was not found in service, when Sleep apnea field of study did not exist when many of us was in service, of course it was not found. Updated . I do not have diabetes either. Judy, I filed for agent orange exposure I have been diagnosed by my Doctor with peripheral neuropathy and stinging and tingling in my extremities. I served in Vietnam as A combat engineer 1968 and 69. I am looking for Robert? Migrant woman dies after U.S. Coast Guard stops vessel carrying 54. I received a letter that said if I divorced or became a widow I could.get.the benefit. (PROGRESSIVE Supranucler PALSY). The bill was last referred to the Subcommittee on Disability Assistance and Memorial Affairs in June. Among them: The Veterans Agent Orange Exposure Equity Act, the Cost of War Act, and others, including the Fairly Assessing Service-related Exposure Residual (FASTER) Presumptions Act, also dubbed the FASTER Act. They should know and be able to assist. Currently, the Department of Veterans Affairs mandates that veterans who served in southeast Asian countries other than Vietnam during the war provide evidence of exposure to the herbicide in order to qualify for benefits. Had thyroid cancer and had it removed in 2018. He had only 2 children, my brother and I. I do believe that those who RUN / ruin the VA truly dont care and are pencil pushers who are only there for that government paycheck. The JSRRC is officially known as the Joint Services Records . Now my question is, how do I file another appeal, and add these issues to my claim? I have had my thyroid removed due to thyroid cancer and served in Vietnam Nam from 67 to 68. I have had sinus surgery and have to use inhalers to breath. Luckily I havent had any problems other than PTSD. most va employees NEVER served in the military !!! Youre absolutely correct. The review board keeps telling me this every time I refile after a new presumptive condition gets named, all five of them as of this writing. BREAKING: VA plans expansion of benefits for disability claims for I wish I live near you so we help each other out to ease the stress! Was on duty there when Hurricane Camille hit Gulfport, MS and was deployed down there for rescue and recovery. Offspring of AO exposed veterans often get tumors. Thank you. I tried to respond to you twice, but they wont accept my posts for some reason. Over the course of a year, we recently lost 100,000 sons, daughters, moms, and dads to drug overdoses. Ill ask for the unit your husband was in and during what time period. I have heard that also, and was attached to the SeaBees Public Works, at NAS Agana, June 1974-November 1975so there is a chance we used the damned stuff to spray and had not a clue. To this day I have Hypothyroidism and asthma which are two of the side effects in children whos parent was exposed to Agent Orange. Contact your county office of the state Department of veterans services. That something was diesel fuel and sht. I was born 10 months after my father returned and I am plagued with these issues. Thank you for allowing me to vent. I suffer from hypothyroidism, neurological issues, and have had several episodes of Transient Global Amnesia. 5/60, 3/60. We roamed around downtown Anniston quite a bit. Very helpful, but was told that the VA routinely denies claims, then you have to prove somehow that your case is a result of AO. Sounds as tho EVERYTHING is denied!! He died at the young age of 47 due to cancer in his leg. Put in more than 4 hours without pure exhaustion and other affects such as shortness of breathe. VA will not make them wait any longer. Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites. I was turned down cold! 9th Division.??? from 9/67 to 5/68, we had 2 helicopter Squadrons home Based on our ship. This is absolutely the right thing to do for Veterans and their families.. Having grown up in Kansas I wish you good luck. VA do the right thing. McDonough (Agent Orange exposure in Thailand) This case involved a US Army veteran (1967 to 1971) who was seeking service connection for hypertension, congestive heart failure, Type II diabetes, stroke, and atrial fibrillation due to agent orange exposure in Thailand during the Vietnam war. I would like to know how many vets exposed to Agent Orange have gotten this rare autoimmune disease. They have over 600 pages of medical records for the multitudes of surgeries, treatments, lab work, and final radical cystoprostatectomy 2018. March 3 (UPI) -- The Treasury Department Friday sanctioned three Russian individuals for human rights abuses against a prominent Russian opposition leader. Thank you. Chisholm said he and like-minded attorneys representing veterans who served in Thailand are winning these cases one at a time, but with detailed evidence, detailed arguments, detailed affidavits. To receive updates on my teams efforts, sign up for the newsletter now. My husband died of stomach cancer, had hashimotos disease etc. We all know agent orange has a major affect on the respiratory system the could lead to COPD, what i find as unfair is my brother was in viet nam also during the same time he is getting paid for agent orange but im still being denied. I want this to be taken seriously! And I wanted to try to talk to him, Ellen Spinks. I marked it off and put in my Training Jacket. I have learned of one Vietnam vet who got scleroderma within the one year limit and who was finally given disability status from the VA for his scleroderma. During the Vietnam War, the U.S. military used Agent Orange and a variety of other "tactical herbicides" to kill vegetation and defoliate trees. He suffered pneumonia in January 2012 and was hospitalized for nearly 2 weeks, part of that in ICU. They treated us so well in Danville.. Comprehensive testing, detailed conversation and claims approved! H.R.2569 - Veterans Agent Orange Exposure Equity Act 117th Congress (2021-2022) Bill Hide Overview More on This Bill Constitutional Authority Statement CBO Cost Estimates [0] Subject Policy Area: Armed Forces and National Security View subjects Summary (1) Text (1) Actions (3) Titles (2) Amendments (0) Cosponsors (14) Committees (1) He applied twice for benefits and denied. The only reason not to add it is the cost. Their use in Vietnam and Thailand took a heavy toll. I have applied twice, failed the breathing test and still been denied benefits, that were promised to me at discharge then taken away by a grateful government. It is most likely from agent orange. Please, if anyone else has been diagnosed with Aphasia, or PPA -Primary Progressive Aphasia, please contact me. Wes, Crickets.. My husband served 68-69 in country. I served three tours from 1967 to 1972, mostly in Thailand. I am now 67, unable to work and already living in an old age living facility. These conditions include: Bladder Cancer Hypothyroidism : A condition occurs when the thyroid doesn't produce enough hormones Jul 11, 2016 THAILAND, AGENT ORANGE; Jul 5, 2016 RANGE-OF-MOTION TESTING REQUIREMENTS; June 2016 Jun 10, 2016 . VA doctors told my husband to apply for disability for Agent Orange which was supposed to be automatic if you served in certain areas, including Thailand, where it was sprayed around base perimeters, where everyone walked. They give you up to a year to provide any additional evidence if needed. Good luck. that rating. Charles, Squeaky wheel gets the grease You will now be able to tab or arrow up or down through the submenu options to access/activate the submenu links. Contact your local VSO and they will help you file a claim to reopen your case using the recent addition of these conditions to the presumptive list as New and Relevant evidence. Hey, they can keep it and put it you know where. We both came down with Hodgkins Lymphoma. I served as an infantryman during the same period.