Sun conjunct Moon = Divine union, new beginnings . W wan Well-known member Mar 31, 2018 #2 This is a highly favorable placement for any kind of relationships where there is giving and receiving involved. The vitality comes from treating each other with dignity and honor and conducting themselves with the highest of character. This relationship NEEDS the deep visceral connection and understanding of all the taboos and secrets encapsulated by their union, but not every individual has the energy for such intensity. People may see them more as business partners then as a couple. There may be an emptiness until some kind of spiritual focus enters their lives and provides context for their existence. They are similar to Composite Ascendant Taurus couples in their enjoyment of comfort, home, and consistency. Synastry:MoonSaturnAspects They tend to react very quickly to struggles between them, and may even have outbursts in public. They fear the relationship is doomed to be noncommittal or worse. It is said to be a point where we have 'fated encounters' that alter our life . Theyre attracted to each others brains. In our individual natal charts, the Sun represents our vital essence, the filter our soul uses to express itself in this life. The Composite Ascendant Pisces couple rarely brings up negative feelings in each other but they may be avoidant of conflict as a result. This person will tend to be good at problem solving and pattern recognition. Usually, Ascendant feels this instant attraction more and pursues first. The purpose of the relationship is to explore as far as possible and break old rules about the way the world should be. The evolving I, the one that evokes and embraces change, is represented by the progressed Ascendant as it moves through time. Also note the house position of the composite Sun. If either person is immature or defensive, there can be frequent arguments about who is right. Sun-Descendant: This aspect describes a strong bond since the Sun person represents all those qualities that the Ascendant person needs to integrate into their identity. Or, enter your birthdate and get a quick transit or forecast report. Composite Saturn to Composite Sun With Composite Sun conjunct Composite Saturn, this is a relationship that can feel limiting and restricting, that comes with more responsibilities and duties, but this aspect can also work to keep you together and strongly committed to one another. Perhaps they live in on a boat! The sun partner will be driving force of the relationship and thereby assume the active role in the partnership. They may have a bit of a superiority complex, thinking that their relationship is better than others, but really this relationship may bring out their wounds and insecurities. We may be a natural team that has something definite to do together. This is where it can be so important to understand the composite Sun, especially in this case. That you have twins ,and that they had/ have an immediate companion was destined. 17 people love it! The Moon is readily defined, though she has her hidden meanings. One example of a Composite Ascendant Gemini couple on TV is Monica Geller and Chandler Bing on Friends. With Composite Ascendant in Scorpio, the thing that ties these individuals together is their pain they have the innate ability to tap into each other and take on the others pain for them, making life more bearable for both of them. This is a very secure and stable relationship, and often if it ends, the world wont understand why. When these two planets align in a trine, it can create a unique blend of creativity and practicality. They tend to give each other the benefit of the doubt instead of nit-picking and judging every little thing. You easily put the blinders on and gloss over the bad stuff. Pluto conjunct Sun synastry indicates a powerful and transformative relationship. Because Aquarius is a fixed sign, Composite Ascendant Aquarius couples have a hard time embracing change in their relationship, and they typically are as theyve always been. True love comes from true knowledge of one another so no self-delusions are allowed in a vital, bonded composite Pisces Sun relationship. Maybe they live off-grid in a yurt raising heritage peacocks. Understanding the needs of the composite Sun is one of the most important shifts to make in conscious partnering and in all close relationships because sometimes keeping the composite Sun happy depletes the individual somehow. The relationship is their temple and must be treated as sacred. Composite Sun in the 1st House. The composite Sun tells us what the relationship needs in order to stay alive and thrive. By house and sign, it will show the essential purpose of a relationship and what it is meant to illustrate to the two beings involved in it. Juno - my true love and spouse - Part I. - Amazing Astrology Synastry:SunConjunctDescendant They enjoy a balanced and harmonious relationship, which means that layers below the surface may be many unaddressed issues. This is similar to the Composite Ascendant Virgo, in that people see you together for a purpose instead of because you have emotional depth and enjoy one anothers company. They are both processing life, getting there, the only way they know how. When people leave relationships like these, they leave a permanent mark on both people. We may also have a passion for nurturing and taking care of our Earths natural resources. However, you probably have a strong competitive streak which could make you seem provocative or selfish. In astrology, the sun is responsible for will, integrity, and self-knowledge. They should take care that they dont put each other on a pedestal tooooooo too high. The Sun person mirrors many of the traits that the Descendant person lacks and unconsciously seeks in order to fill a balancing act within themselves. Intertwining and supporting each other, they affect fate more strongly than other aspects, however, the influence can be both inspiring and destructive, depending on the spiritual qualities of the native. Its entirely possible for these two to be deeply, honestly in love and yet the needs of the relationship simply end up frying their nervous systems. the husband's Vertex conjunct . This may be a bad thing if you're not good for one another . Not wanting to admit that something is wrong does not mean that everything is right. Composite Chart: Composite Ascendant Signs | Cafe Astrology .com This couple is very reliable and practical. Synastry:SunSaturnAspectsBetweenTwoCharts They must learn to be more trusting and more accepting of each others individuality if they want the relationship to work. Past Life Indicators in Synastry and Karmic Relationships - Astrology The Sun person becomes an inspiration or role model for the Descendant person. This can be either profoundly healing or completely exhausting and fraught with drama. They may feel like scapegoats, put upon and oppressed by others, or they may have trouble establishing meaning in the life theyve created for themselves. This will include all one-to-one interactions. As opposed to the Ninth House Sun couple, who are more interested in structured study of more established spiritual systems, the Eleventh House couple may be involved in diverse New Age explorations and alternative lifestyles. But either way, this is a very significant relationship in the lives of both involved and will have a big impact on them. You are not ones to fight or put each other down when times are tough. Relationships, much like homes, businesses, and countries, have birth charts. When the Sun touches another planet, we become aware of that planet and are primed to learn our lessons regarding the function and meaning of that planet in our lives. You can use your relationships to promote yourself and your goals. They handle things privately and with grace, although they both may feel overly responsible for the others emotions, so may avoid conflict all together. Synastry:Venus-PlutoAspectsBetweenTwoCharts In public, the Composite Ascendant Capricorn couple is not especially demonstrative. Many people are wary of the Twelfth Housethe infamous House of Self-Undoing in old astrology. Usually, there are few external challenges, unless family loyalty conflicts with the natural flow of the partnership. If one of them begins to pull away emotionally, even for a family event or personal issue, the other is left feeling incredibly insecure which may lead to problems within the relationship. Challenges come because life may not always be as stimulating as these relationships require, and the hard work that comes with grounding ideals in the real world may be tedious enough to weaken the partnership. Synastry:Mercury-NeptuneAspects The Sun in the composite chart is the planet, by house and sign placement, that shows the essence of the relationship. Together they want to be super skilled at breaking the relationship down into the details of everything that needs improvement and a step-by-step plan to do so. Ascendant person admires the way Sun carries themselves: from their looks to mannerisms. The Composite Sun In our individual natal charts, the Sun represents our vital essence, the filter our soul uses to express itself in this life. They both feel very responsible for the others emotions one may take on the role of parent while the other takes on the role of child. The parental figure in this relationship will feel overly responsible for the other persons emotions, and this is quite the burden to bear in a relationship. One is tall, one is short or one is more artsy and the other is more logical. Synastry:Mercury-UranusAspects With composite Sun in Aries, this relationship needs both individuals to be warriors. The Sun illuminates the conscious mind, and the Moon the unconscious. If the aspects are stressful, then the solutions and patterns they come up . I have two friends that are twins Virgo sun Pisces ascendant Im on this page because of them I didnt even think of the fact that they already found them, woah, , , standing my ground but oh my my, my partner turned into Mrs. Hyde for reals 231CapAscendt. Sun Conjunct Jupiter: Synastry, Natal, and Transit Meaning They are a private couple who keeps their issues between them, and they value loyalty over everything. Composite Ascendant Aries couples come off as very vibrant, very warm, and very bold. Make it a picnic if not an international excursion. They might whisper jokes in each others ear and laugh and laugh. They usually portray a united front to others and are very clear about where they are going as a team. We also may lose sight of who we really are, believing in our own public mask. We did remote check in, and did not see any reception staff on our whole stay. Synastry:Mercury-MercuryAspects In any case, the Vertex/Anti-Vertex line form a new Descendant/Ascendant axis with special meanings in relationships. Sun Opposite Ascendant Natal and Transit - Astrology King Composite Ascendant Taurus couples are very solid. The Ascendant is the vehicle of the Soul, while the Luminaries (Sun and Moon) are the drivers. Develop good working relationships with everyone from your doctor to your trash collector. Note that this is different than the way you come off by yourself this is not the energy that people get from you alone just from being in the relationship, but rather the perception of the relationship. This may lead to not living in reality, or thinking that everything is going to be okay without taking active steps to make sure it is. Synastry:Mars-SaturnAspects The conjunction must be close. This may be the very social couple who are surrounded by friends and are extremely active in all kinds of group activities. Two celestial bodies are in conjunction when they are very close to each other, often in the same sign but never more than 8 degrees apart. This will include all one-to-one interactions. This couple does not demonstrate their issues to the world, and others may see the relationship as largely practical rather than emotional. The conjunction is the most powerful, but all aspects are significant. Intermediate and advanced students of Astrology might enjoy our article, SoulMate Astrology. The rose colored glasses in the Composite Ascendant in Pisces couple. Synastry:SunNeptuneAspects Look at the overall synastry / composite / davison charts. See our Quick Compatibility Tool for astrological compatibility based on two birthdates and years. If were lucky, we have a sense that the world is ours for the taking, as long as we keep our heads and watch our pennies. They need to find out who they really are togetheroutside of family ties and outside of what society expects their role to be. Vertex on Composite Descendant - Meant to be? - Astrologers' Community These are the couples who may lose themselves in the throes of partnership, and then find out that they are not who they thought they were. This transit forces you to work with others, sometimes resulting in ego conflicts and encounters with open enemies. Often there are ways to work with it though if you have the awareness! (2020). They are very go-with-the-flow and adaptable in their relationship, and they may come off as the couple who is up for anything.. Dawn Bodrogi has studied astrology since the age of twelve, and has been a practicing astrologer for over twenty years with a special emphasis on synastry. Composite Saturn in Astrology - The Dark Pixie Astrology Its actually really badass to walk this path of radical commitment and takes a type of courage that many may miss. They are the couple you are always hoping will show up, and when they do grace you with their presence, you will feel incrediblyimportant to know them. With the composite Sun in Leo, these two will want to be looking real fine for each other and go grab some dinner. This interpretation for Sun opposite Ascendant transit can also be read for a Solar Eclipse and New Moon opposite Ascendant. Because their problems and anger tend to lie on theoutside of the relationship, people often see this when they first meet them. It has the tendency to overpower planets surrounding it. With Composite Ascendant in Scorpio, you both maywant to keep the relationship private, but that is not exactly how things go, and people can often see how much pain the relationship causes both individuals. Synastry:MoonMarsAspects This is a very forceful and driven relationship, which is great. You are using an out of date browser. The Sun is the center, and includes the whole of potential. Synastry:SunJupiterAspects They may have small fights or emotional battles often because managing these responses to each other can be very difficult. sun conjunct descendant composite. Twelfth House couples often have a specific thing that needs to be accomplished. The Meaning of Planets Rising, Descending, on the Nadir, or on the The composite Sun conjunct composite Mars is a combination brimming with energy. The Composite Ascendant Gemini couple seems to be always changing and evolving. However, on the reverse side, this puts Cancer in the 7th house, so there may be a bit of codependency in the relationship as well. As we gloss over the lights and jump to the Vertex and/or aspects to Chiron, we are missing, in fact, the essence of the chart. The outside world often cannot understand what actually keeps them together. Synastry:SunVenusAspectsBetweenTwoCharts The Composite Sun in the Houses of the Composite Chart The Composite Sun reveals the heart of the relationship the primary reasons for your coming together. They can feel their love and passion for one another by treating their love as a sacred being. These aren't all of the possible combinations but a lot of the aspects that came to mind which seemed significant to me. Synastry:Mercury-PlutoAspects Outside pool open with good system, 2 hours per day by pool, never had an issue in the whole week getting sun-beds by the pool. However, this aspect alone does not describe how harmonious or otherwise your close one-to-one relationships will be. We may be keen on acquisition and on broadening and extending our shared resources. The trick is to avoid pointing the arrows at each other at least too often. The Sun brings things together in our lives, triggers them off, much the way it works on transits and progressions. Other synastry and relationship astrology articles: Vertex Conjunct Anti-Vertex/Vertex Conjunct Vertex. They may stand as representatives of an archetype for others in their community, large or small. Chiron conjunct the Angles - Binge Astrology The other person in your life could be a marriage partner or an open enemy. Working in partnership gives you the confidence to express your own identity fully. Although you may dream a lot together, putting plans into action is your weak point. They dont stick to each others sides, they enter as a unit and break apart to go have small conversations with other people. The brightness of your personality gives you a commanding presence. Sun conjunct Ascendant (Sun opposite Descendant) represents a dynamic start. The longer these two people stay together, the better their relationship becomes. As time goes on, they may find themselves in a battle of wits with each other, but they never stop craving freedom. They may seem more like close friends than a romantic relationship to others. Synastry:SunMercuryAspectsBetweenTwoCharts Composite Ascendant Leo couples come off as proud, confident and incredibly warm and no party is complete without them. Sun Opposite Ascendant - Synastry, Transit, Composite. The composite chart is a thing of beauty, when read correctly. Marriott's Village d'Ile-de-France, A Marriott Vacation Club Resort Its the essence, the lifeblood, but what does it represent? Your life will be more pleasant if you get along well with others. New Moon February 20, 2023 New Beginnings, Volodymyr Zelenskyy Horoscope Warrior Leader. It is the fuel cell, the battery, the engine of the connection. My experience is that even Uranus w. If they are able to trust one another enough to make the other their home they will likely serve as healing refuge for weary friends in need as well as any stray animals around. There is a lot of freedom in the Composite Ascendant Gemini relationship. When a planet is conjunct the sun it has little influence until the planet is 'cazimi' or within the sun disc by longitude (about 20 arc minutes). ASC is Virgo, I had a great laugh with this one! Posted on: 6 November, 2019 with 2934 Notes. Composite Ascendant in Scorpio couples wear their pain on the outside. One minute they will seem incredibly happy together, and the next it is as if the relationship is the worst thing that has ever been thrust upon them. Does the elderly neighbor need her yard mowed? They are warm, loving, and compassionate to each other, and more than anything they are loyal and noble. Challenges may come when they cant get a handle on just what it is they have to contribute to their world, and they may have difficulties making themselves understood well enough to fit in with others. These two are flexible with each other and there are never control issues from an outside perspective. Otherwise, you may experience much conflict leading to affairs or separation. Taking things slowly is the best way because trust needs to be built over time, so its sure. Synastry:SunNorthNodeAspects Maybe they never get actually married. However, each person is magnetically drawn to the other. Soul mate & karmic relationship point synastry /composite/ Davison It may not display this or other websites correctly. Composite Ascendant Aries couples are very take-charge, and they appear to always bedoingsomething on some kind of adventure or simply going out together. Composite Sun conjunct the Ascendant from the 12th House: This relationship might bring a lot of hidden pain up to the surface, thus making it seem like the other person is just pushing your buttons when really it is past hurt coming to be confronted. There is a possibility that they are enticed by what is occult and considered taboo, all in the interest of tearing down unneeded boundaries to redefine the landscape. Juno - Sun: With this aspect the Juno person is the one who sees the Sun person as a perfect match. They enjoy the comfort of their own home, and each others embrace more than other couples, and may become a bit reclusive if they are not careful. Research shows conjunctions in composite and sun conjunct venus are Moonlit walk, candles, even a meditation or yoga class would feed this need of sacred solitude. If the Ceres of one person aspects personal part of the chart of the other, the Ceres person will bring unconditional love to the other person. Does the food bank need volunteers? However, there may be a possessiveness in the relationship that neither person can describe, but both play into it to an extent. The Astrology of 2023: This Year in Astrology. The composite chart has a vertex as well. These two inspire a lot in each other. These couples bring out the artistic sides of each other, and are compassionate and caring towards each other. To the outside world, this is a couple that would never and could never break up they seemingly have it all figured out. After one go away, I can find another one. Sun Conjunct Mars - Synastry, Transit, Composite - Astro Majesty With Composite ascendant in Virgo, they are willing to do whatever it takes to make the partnership work, and they are in it for the longevity of the relationship. It carries none of the discomfort and emotional alienation that can happen when the two Moons are at crossroads, for example. Composite Ascendant Gemini couples come off as being very restless, and to those around them, it may seem as though they are not fully satisfied in their life together. Being born at sunrise gets you noticed. There is peace here. Have a spine, but be nice. Their bold attitude towards their relationship may come off as rude to those who are not in it. An interesting placement for a composite Sun. With Neptune ruling the ascendant, these couples are dynamic, adaptive, and mystical in the way they interact with each other. For relationship astrology and synastry readings go here. Delineating Composite Charts - Cosmic Technologies (CosmiTec) Banter, changing plans, surprises, waiting to see, conversations that create more questions, ALL THE STIMULI, and communicating well feed the composite Gemini Sun. In a relationship, it can also represent our ego and desire to shine. *** Next Full Moon - March 7, 2023 Virgo 16 *** Next New Moon - March 21, 2023 Aries 0 ***. The Suns light will go a long way towards working out the kinks in the relationship shadow, allowing them to become progressively closer and stronger over time. Unlike synastry, which looks at both peoples charts together and tells you the different aspects between people, composite charts look at therelationship chart. Composite Ascendant in Capricorn couples shoulder an incredible responsibility when it comes to each other. Caring too much about what others think, trying to fit in, and being too traditional will have the vitality of the bond falling flat. Although, there is a strong understanding of the purpose of the relationship, and why youre in it. Composite Chart | PlutonicDesire Chiron conjunct descendant composite - Understanding this is the key to its function. They might take a latin dance class together that has them feeling like a really HOT couple. This conjunction denotes pure forgiving and unconditional love without judgements. How about that!? IP: Logged. It must be 2-3 degrees, tops, in my experience. Like Composite Ascendant in Gemini couples, these two may appear more as friends/acquaintances than in a romantic relationship. I couldn't find any information online about it. It is romantic to idealize each other, but ultimately everyone wants and needs to be loved and cherished for who and what they really are. Most importantly it makes the relationship a pleasure to be in! It is also a good idea to seek out help from people in other areas of life. Sun conjunct Descendant Those native with Natal Sun Conjunct Descendant attract partners that wants to shine and become the center of their life. This couple is very home-minded and home oriented, meaning that you probably wont see them out and about very often. But, still, the relationship still brings this out in each other. A Sun Conjunct Jupiter transit is a time that opens the door to success. Synastry:SunPlutoAspects The trick here is to not nitpick each other to death as criticism and relationship vitality are not the greatest of friends. Both people need to learn to be a little more dynamic in the relationship, so they can have the personal freedom that a Composite Ascendant Aquarius relationship requires. Sun opposite Ascendant transit or Sun conjunct Descendant transit makes partnerships the major focus of your attention. Ive worked with many people who came to me very worried about Aquarius placements in their composite chart. Valentine Valentine is one of the best forms of love. However, at least one major aspect between Sun/Moon and Venus/Mars is of great importance, even if we don't have a DW. Another challenge is in learning that they cant do what they want to all the timethere are rules and boundaries which must be respected in order to fit into society in some way. View celebrities with the Sun conjunct the Descendant. They are very secretive about the things that dont work in their relationship, so the world will never see them as anything other than solid and reliable. What does it mean when your partner has his Nessus conjunct to - Quora This would be the kind of couple that would travel the country in a van, exploring freely and working from home. Synastry:MoonVenusAspectsBetweenTwoCharts When I think of what the home of a couple with composite Taurus Sun, I often think of a hobbit house nestled into the earth. a few years of astrological studies but I learn fast, and can't wait to learn more! Sun Conjunct Ascendant - Synastry, Transit, Composite If the aspects are harmonious (conjunction, sextile, or trine), these abilities will tend to be easily accepted both by the person themselves and those around them. As you may surmise my prog. With the Sun in the second house, we value what we have together. In synastry, I never worry about hard aspects between the individual Suns. Both people in a Composite Ascendant Aquarius relationship are individuals, and they pride themselves on being so. But the shadow side of the relationship is that secretly, one or both people may want to change or control the other. However, at its best, this relationship forces you to take on challenges and face yourself. They may even have nervous energy around other people, which they may not have as individuals. by 6 degrees, so not sure if that counts, but here I go We've been friends for years now (comp sun/merc 11th house) I left school for awhile but eventually returned and we became even closer friends, spent all of our time together. We may be together for the express purpose of sharing our talents with one another and with the world. Pay attention to aspects such as Juno conjunct the ascendant or the descendant, Juno conjunct someone's personal planets, the Sun, Moon, Venus. Its literally like the difference between Santa Clause and Scrooge. Sun opposite Ascendant transit or Sun conjunct Descendant transit makes partnerships the major focus of your attention. Whatever sign the sun is in indicates the way that the couple feels about the relationship and the way they act towards it.