Looking to make your protein shake lowercarb? is the discount we use when Juicer's not being on shift are ordering products. POWER SHAKE - JOE & THE JUICE IDE - YouTube Personalized Protein Shake-159g of protein. Lime and chile keep this slushy spicy and bright. This protein shake packs a punch and is filled with flavor!Egg whites give it extra texture. Refreshing mint and hearty oatmealmake thismilkshakeyes, it has ice cream init!a great start to the day! What are the ingredients in order for power shake, large? Peanut butter and bananaisa classiccomboandisgreat for fuel and muscle recovery. TikTok video from Sofieenilsen (@sofieenilsen): "Min favvvv #foryou #fyp #viral #oppskrift #smoothie". Vil du vre fri for reklamer? Joe & the Juice 16oz: 4 ice cubes, 1 whole grapefruit, 2 pieces of ginger, 3-4 apples. 6.5K Likes, 51 Comments. Du kan selvflgelig ogs sagtens lave den med andre frugter end jordbr og banan. This fruity smoothie is tasty, healthy, and totally customizable. Slik lager de Poweshake JOE & THE JUICE - DoorDash Coconut milk makes this smoothie deeply, deeply satisfying. Vi laver den ofte som en lille dessert eller en eftermiddagssnack. The Reboot with Joe Juice Diet brings us of the plan that allowed him to overcome obesity, poor This creamy vanilla, fruit, and yogurt shake has everything you love about daiquiris, minus the hangover. The liquid is really up to you. Indeed,. 16oz: 12 leafs of mint, 8 ice cubes, 2 pieces of banana, fill blender to 12oz with vanilla milk, 12oz: 1 shot of espresso, 7 ice cubes, 2-3 coffee beans, fill blender with 9oz vanilla milk Power Shake calories, carbs & nutrition facts | MyFitnessPal I like their power shake and coffee shake they're okay better than the rest personally . With banana, coconut,and decadent sour cream, shake things up with this tropical treat. Shake it upand pour overicefor a morning cool down. 10/24/2021. Recreate the joe and the juice power shake with me Fascination - Nat King Cole. Prv at lave den bare med jordbr eller bare med banan. Have you ever asked yourself, "How much weight can I lose in a month?" And this version, packed wtih mangoes, peaches, and ginger, is the fruity, creamy morning drink you've always dreamed of. Withvibrant color andseriousflavor, this shakeis packed with nutrientsnot just protein! Strawberry Nut Shake-68g of protein. , Is this how we really make the Power Shake ? . Thats it! Tropical Treat Shake-27g of protein. original sound - Joe and the Juice Vejle. No-Banana, Low-Sugar Smoothie You can skip banana and still make a thick smoothie with zucchini and avocado instead. Go with coconut water. Du vil vre den frste til at, Generelle betingelser og privatlivspolitik. Learn how to adjust serving sizes in Perfect Blend. What Makes Joe & The Juice's Popular Tuna Sandwich Unique This shake is just as tasty as any crunchy brittle. 6 ice cubes, 6-7 pc. Joe & The Juice Tunacado Sandwich Recipe Download our Loyalty App today and earn points, gifts and achievements for every purchase you make. You can skip banana and still make a thick smoothie with zucchini and avocado instead. Deres opskrift er hemmelig og faktisk nsten umulig 100% at kopiere, da de fr specialproduceret noget vaniljemlk, som de bruger til drikken. 68% 69g Carbs. Ahigh-powered blenderisrecommendedfor this juicy shakefeaturing a full Granny Smith apple. Joe And The Juice Recipes Flashcards | Quizlet Go nuts for this shake!Macadamia nutsand yogurtadd healthy fat and rich flavor. This shake featuring blended berries and oatmeal is your new breakfast go-to. High in B vitamins, cucumbers both cool and calm you. Du kan naturligvis altid afmelde dig nyhedsbrevet igen. Grate orange zest overtop this smoothie to add an unexpected hit of citrus to an otherwise simple smoothie. And as we dont have it where I live, I tried to reproduce it at home! 405 cal / srv. Set aside. All the fruit!Tantalize your senses with thisvitamin-packed tropical shake. No delivery fee on your first order! 15 Joe And The Juice Power Shake Recipe - Selected Recipes 15 Joe And The Juice Recipes - Selected Recipes 16oz: 4 ice cubes, 3 pieces of beetroot, 2 pieces of fennel, 3-4 apples, 12oz: 3 ice cubes, 1/2 avocado, 1 piece of lemon, 2-3 apples Discover joe and juice power shake 's popular videos | TikTok A pinch of salt makes everything taste better, including savory smoothies. How to make it. 16oz: 12 leafs of mint, 8 ice cubes, 2 pieces of banana, fill blender to 12oz with vanilla milk, 12oz: 1 shot of espresso, 7 ice cubes, 2-3 coffee beans, fill blender with 9oz vanilla milk 16oz: 6 ice cubes, 1/2 avocado, 3 pieces of banana, 2 large scoop protein, fill blender to 16oz with chocolate almond milk, pesto, 1/2 avocado, 4 pieces of tomato, 4 pieces of mozzarella, salt and pepper, pesto, 3 pieces of turkey, 4 pieces of tomato, 4 pieces of mozzarella, salt and pepper, pesto, 2 scoops of tuna mousse, 4 pieces of tomato, 4-5 drops of tabasco, 6 pieces of jalapeos, salt and pepper, pesto, 1/4 avocado, 55g of chicken, 4 pieces of tomato, salt and pepper, pesto, 1/4 avocado, 2 scoops of tuna mousse, 4 pieces of tomato, salt and pepper, pesto, 1/4 avocado, 1 slice of serrano, 4 pieces of mozzarella, 4 pieces of tomato, salt and pepper. 16oz: 1 whole avocado, 1 piece of banana, 6 ice cubes, fill up with vanilla milk 14oz, 2 ice cubes, 2 pieces of ginger, 1/2 apple, 2 ice cubes, 1 piece of fennel, 1/2 apple, 2 ice cubes, 2 pieces of broccoli, 1/2 apple, 2 ice cubes, 2 pieces of beetroot, 1/2 apple, 12oz: 1 piece of banana, 1/2 avocado, 15 raspberries, quarter pack of acai, fill blender to 10oz almond milk, 40g granola (2 scoops, one in bottom, one on top) What are the ingredients in order for power shake, small? Blast off withthishigh-protein, whole-foodtreatwith almonds, raisins,and peanutbutter. 16oz: 4 ice cubes, 1/2 passion fruit, 1 whole red grapefruit, 3-4 apples, 16oz: 4 ice cubes, 40g peas, 40g kale, 1/2 avocado, 2 stalks of celery, 3-4 apples, 16oz: 4 ice cubes, 1/2 avocado, 1 piece of banana, 2 pieces of beetroot, 2 pieces of pineapple, 3-4 apples, 16oz: 4 Ice cubes, 2 pieces of broccoli, 2 pieces of ginger, 1 piece of fennel, 2 pieces of pineapple, 3-4 apples, 16oz: 4 ice cubes, 40g kale, 12 pieces of spinach, 1 piece of cucumber, 2 pieces of broccoli, 3-4 apples, 16oz: 4 ice cubes, 1/2 avocado, 2 pieces of broccoli, 12 pieces of spinach, 2 pieces of lemon, 3-4 apples, 16oz: 6 ice cubes, 2 pieces of kale, 2 pieces of broccoli, 2 pieces of lemon, 12 pieces of spinach, 7-8 pieces of cucumber, 12oz: 6 strawberries, 4 ice cubes, 1 piece of banana, fill blender to 11oz with vanilla milk Creatine Catalyst Shake-51g of protein. No green sludge allowed. Blend away!. Du fr en cremet og lkker milkshake, som har den perfekte balance mellem banan, jordbr og vaniljesmag. Tropical Pleasure Shake-71g of protein. TikTok video from JOE & THE JUICE (@joeandthejuice): "THE LONG AWAITED POWER SHAKE TUTORIAL #fyp #foryoupage #joeandthejuice". Chocolate AlmondShake-40g of protein. strawberries, 1 pc. Banana, Strawberry and Vanilla Milk Blended With Ice, Strawberry,banana, Dannon Vanilla Light and Fit Yogurt, Skim Milk and Ice. Joe And The Juice Recipes Flashcards | Quizlet These healthy smoothie recipes are bonafide breakfast heroes. (done like a power shake, but poured into the cup before its topped with granola. or "How many meals a day should you eat?" Tap the badge When you see our badge next to a recipe on any participating site, that means it's Perfect Blend compatible. Menu - JOE & THE JUICE * Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet.Your daily values may be higher or lower depending on your calorie needs. Use casein instead of whey. Joe Price. Peachesand Cream Shake-27g of protein. avocado, 1 pc. Podcasts; Recipe. Youll see, theres nothing simpler than this recipe , Now, blend everything together! 16oz: 4 ice cubes, 7 leafs of mint, 2-3 apples, fill the . Joe and the Juice Power Shake 16oz - Banana, Strawberry and Vanilla Milk Blended With Ice. 8% 8g Protein. Connect your Perfect Blend Scale + Recipe App 2. This triple hitter of protein, fiber, and healthy fats will keep you deliciously full for hours. 10 minutes. JOE & THE JUICE . Banana, Strawberry and Vanilla Milk Blended With Ice - MyFitnessPal Chocoholics unite for thissuper chocolateyshakefeaturing both cocoa powder and sour cream! POWER SHAKE Blinding Lights - The Weeknd. Den har en rigtig mild og s er den bare rigtig cremet! Cooking advice that works. Chocolate-Lover's Shake- 51g of protein. Want to make your protein shake thicker, more decadent, and slowerdigesting? Vanilla milk. 4.1K Likes, 88 Comments. Ground up girl scout cookiesin a shake? With exercise demos, workout routines and more than 500 recipes available on the app, MyFitnessPal gives members a wellness roadmap for anything from the best fat burning workouts to healthy foods to eat. Avoshake (Joe & The Juice) | Perfect Company The Reboot With Joe Juice Diet Recipe Book: Over 100 Recipes Inspired Vi har dog fundet et rigtig godt alternativ, som vi synes giver nrmest en identisk smag. 6/6/2022. Ellers smager det ogs lkkert med hindbr, blbr, mango eller ananas. Smoothie Recipes - Joe Cross High-Protein Foods|Low-Calorie Foods|Low-Carb Foods| Healthy Snacks |Protein Shake Recipes|Protein Pancake Recipes. THE POWER SHAKE!!! As bananas turn the corner from ripe to too-ripe, peel them and pop them in the freezer so you can make this anytime (you wont need as much ice if using frozen bananas). Recipe for Avo Shake - small in order? Thissinless treatallows you to enjoy your chocolate and peanut butter with the benefits of muscle-building protein. Addvitamins and mineralsfor an extra boost! A custom blended recipe developed and shared by a fellow Blend aficionado. Liked. 50 Best Protein Shake and Smoothie Recipes - Bodybuilding.com banana, up to 12 oz. Dive into these homemade protein shake recipesthat taste like dessert butfuelyourmuscles and your recovery.Withflavors covering everythingfromluxurious chocolatetotangyorange cream totropicalcoconut,these protein drinks help you feel good, work hard, andhit your fitness goals. The Reboot with Joe Juice Diet - Joe Cross 2014-02-04 A NEW YORK TIMES BEST-SELLER Since his documentary, Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead, was released in 2010 and became a worldwide sensation, Joe Cross has become a tireless advocate for the power of juicing. Enjoy the classic comboofpeachesand cream,plus the unexpectedtang of sour cream. Using bruised berries, that last little bit of buttermilk in the container, and a scoop of tahini will make you feel both resourceful and well fed. Banana Almond Cream Shake-78g of protein. Peanut Butter Banana Shake-65g of protein. Is Joe and the juice healthy? 16oz: 4 ice cubes, 1/2 passion fruit, 2 pieces of pineapple, 4 apples, 12oz: 3 ice cubes, 1/2 passion fruit, 1/2 red grapefruit, 2-3 apples Discover power shake joe and the juice 's popular videos | TikTok Strawberry Savior Shake-118g of protein. vanilla milk. Find maca powder, made from a root native to Peru, at health food stores and supermarkets with a robust natural foods section. Start with this creamy base and add whateveryou want.At over 150 grams of protein, you can feed a small army! Try this oatmeal-in-a-blender style smoothie for an energy-boosting and nutrient-rich breakfast. Struggling to drink a smoothie on a cold morning? The recipes include everything from Joe's signature Mean Green Juice to exciting new juices like the Green Honey, Mexi Cali and the Peach Page 8/178 The perfect time to take a multivitamin is with a protein shake.Give your body macronutrients and micronutrients to power workouts and recovery! isterninger Fremgangsmde Put alle ingredienserne i en blender og blend det godt sammen. Its time to layer up guys! You'll practically get tan lines with this tropicalprotein treatfeaturingrum flavoring extract. If yes, be ready for some yumminess! This smoothie is a meal in a cup with protein, healthy fats, a veggie and fruit. Remove from the skillet (just brown the interior of the bread) and toast the remaining 2 slices. The vanilla milk makes it sweet while the bananas and my added avocado made the smooth extra creamy. Caramel HazelnutShake-70g of protein. vanilla milk, 5 ice cubes, 1 pc. There's no rule that you can't dump a scoop of vanilla whey into your aminos or sports drink! Recipes you want to make. Wake upand energize with vanilla and coffee!With just 3 ingredients, this shake practically makes itself. What are the ingredients in order for power shake, large? 300ml of oat milk or regular milk. S opret dig som medlem og brug vores app uden reklamer og f mange fordele, Forside / Opskrifter / Drikkevarer / Smoothie / Powershake ala Joe and the Juice. 7 ice cubes, 2-3 coffee beans, 9 oz. With Joe Juice Diet Recipe Book: Over 100 Recipes Inspired By The Film pictures!) Although Im a heat and sun lover, Im kinda, Its getting warmer and warmer, which got me really excited about summer and holidays!, Its time to get winter ready! Try making this date-sweetened smoothie for a nourishing and filling treat. In a small blender, add the basil, vinegar, olive oil, 1/2 tsp of salt and ice water. Spirulina makes thisgreenshake a superfoodpowerhouse. Chicken Kale Caesar. Get lean and strong with the ultimate list of protein shakes and protein smoothie recipes. 16oz: 4 ice cubes, 1 whole avocado, 2 pieces of lemon, 3-4 apples, 12oz: 3 ice cubes, 1/3 red bell pepper, 1 piece of lemon, 3 apples This bright, creamy smoothie will fuel you before or after a workout. Be sure to check outourHealthy Protein Pancake Recipes for even more protein-rich recipes! Juice Classic: Hangover Heaven. 16oz: 4 ice cubes, 2/3 red bell pepper, 2 pieces of lemon, 4 apples, 12oz: 3 ice cubes, 8 leafs of spinach, 1 piece of pineapple, 3 apples Try this sweet and sour juice with a tropical flair featuring pineapple, lime, pear and celery. RSS Feeds; Accessibility Help; Cond Nast Store; Cond Nast Spotlight; Do Not Sell My Personal Info 2023 Cond Nast. Det kan kbes i stort set alle supermarkeder . Instructions. Vegan avocado shake recipe - Joe & The Juice inspired Use of this site . This caloric beast is for theaspiringweight-gainers out there! joe and the juice rebuild smoothie: 1 servings, 10 minutes prep time. Joe and the Juice Power Shake 16oz Banana, Strawberry and Vanilla Milk Blended With Ice Serving Size: 1 container 407 Cal 68% 69g Carbs 24% 11g Fat 8% 8g Protein Track macros, calories, and more with MyFitnessPal. Input your search keywords and press Enter. This candy cane-inspired smoothie is festive for the season and will satisfy a sweet craving without the sugar. vanilla milk, 2 shots espresso. 16oz: 4 ice cubes, 1/2 passion fruit, 1 whole red grapefruit, 3-4 apples, 16oz: 4 ice cubes, 40g peas, 40g kale, 1/2 avocado, 2 stalks of celery, 3-4 apples, 16oz: 4 ice cubes, 1/2 avocado, 1 piece of banana, 2 pieces of beetroot, 2 pieces of pineapple, 3-4 apples, 16oz: 4 Ice cubes, 2 pieces of broccoli, 2 pieces of ginger, 1 piece of fennel, 2 pieces of pineapple, 3-4 apples, 16oz: 4 ice cubes, 40g kale, 12 pieces of spinach, 1 piece of cucumber, 2 pieces of broccoli, 3-4 apples, 16oz: 4 ice cubes, 1/2 avocado, 2 pieces of broccoli, 12 pieces of spinach, 2 pieces of lemon, 3-4 apples, 16oz: 6 ice cubes, 2 pieces of kale, 2 pieces of broccoli, 2 pieces of lemon, 12 pieces of spinach, 7-8 pieces of cucumber, 12oz: 6 strawberries, 4 ice cubes, 1 piece of banana, fill blender to 11oz with vanilla milk Joe & The Juice - sland With just 3 ingredients, this shake practically makes itself. Hop on this smoothie and you've got yourself a one-way ticket to the tropics. A vegan smoothie with serious depth that plays off of the classic peanut butter and banana combo. TikTok video from Joe and the Juice Vejle (@joeandthejuicevejle): "Make a powershake with us! LARGE - 470 ML 1.250 KR. PDF 100 Rezepte Safte Shakes Das Beste Aus Obst Und G - freewebmasterhelp You can always add more! #fyp #joeandthejuice #powershake". Of course, the Joe and the Juice menu has something healthy, delicious and beautiful in its sheer simplicity for our veggie friends. 12.2K Likes, 53 Comments. Det er en lkker smoothie eller milkshake med jordbr og banan. joe and the juice rebuild smoothie: Directions, calories, nutrition Recipe in order for Coffee Shake - large? 16oz: 6 pieces of banana, 8 ice cubes, fill blender with 12oz vanilla milk, 12oz: 15 raspberries, 4 ice cubes, 1 piece of banana, fill the blender to 12oz with vanilla milk Ls mere i Privatlivspolitik. Is Joe and the juice healthy? 9 ice cubes, 3-4 coffee beans, 12 oz. 12 Related Question Answers About Joe And The Juice Recipes. grunks After having posted several times the avo shake I was doing on my Instagram stories and getting many messages in order to get the recipe, I decided to share it here! Swap in raspberries or blackberries for the blueberries depending on how you're feeling that morning. 191 Likes, TikTok video from Aker Brygge (@bydelakerbrygge): "Hvilken shake er din favoritt? @joeandthejuice #akerbrygge #akerbryggeoslo #akerbryggeoslonorge #powershake #joeandthejuice #oslotips #ioslo #oslosentrum #oslotok #oslotiktok #meravoslo #visitoslo #oslove #oslo". 16oz: 2 pieces of banana, 1/2 avocado, 25 raspberries, half pack of acai, fill blender to 12oz almond milk, 60g granola (one in bottom, one in top) Then, pour the shake in a glass and decorate with a bit of sugar-free cocoa powder. a tablespoon of maple syrup or honey. Try it and be surprised. Then, pour the shake in a glass and decorate with a bit of sugar-free cocoa powder. Photo by Alex Lau, Food Styling by Rebecca Jurkevich, Prop Styling by Kalen Kaminski, Photo by Alex Lau, food styling by Chris Morocco, Photo by Alex Lau, food styling by Molly Baz, prop styling by Emily Eisen, The 10 Most Popular Recipes of February 2023, Peeling Your Root Vegetables? Instead of strawberries, you can use one banana or a cup of any other frozen fresh fruit you like for this power shake recipe. Go wild for this wild berry shake. 16oz: 2 shots of espresso, 9 ice cubes, 3-4 coffee beans, fill blender to 12oz with vanilla milk, 12oz: 4 pieces of banana, 6 ice cubes, fill blender with 9oz vanilla milk Calorie Goal 1593 Cal. Nut milks add body and protein, but if you prefer something sweeter, try juice. I'm not sure if this place was a cafe previously, but I definitely like the vibe here. Don't sacrifice your gains!With milk and egg whites for texture, thisshake tastes as good as the real thing. Berries & Cream Shake-26g of protein. Whether you are looking for FODMAP-friendly recipes or a smoothie recipe sans banana, you will love this tasty green smoothie. 615 Likes, TikTok video from JOE & THE JUICE (@joeandthejuice): "Is this how we really make the Power Shake ? #fyp #foryoupage". Required fields are marked *. Valentines Day Outfits: Last Minute Options for a Valentines or Galentines Night, Get the Look for Less: The Ultimate Guide to Finding Designer Heels Dupe, Autumn capsule wardrobe: a curated selection of versatile clothing, The cute and colorful swimwear you need this summer, Chunky Boots Trend: A Pair For Any Style And Budget, 5 Fall/Winter 2020 Fashion Week Trends You Should Know About, The stylish pairs of sunglasses you definitely need. Build strengthwith the triple-berry powerand triple protein of whey, yogurt,and milk inthis shake. 16oz: 4 ice cubes, 3 stalks of celery, 2 pieces of lemon, 4 apples, 12oz: 3 ice cubes, 2 pieces of beetroot, 1 piece of fennel, 2-3 apples To revisit this article, select My Account, thenView saved stories, To revisit this article, visit My Profile, then View saved stories. Hazelnut creamer makes this into a Nutella-y dream of a shake.Yes, please! Joe And The Juice Recipes Flashcards | Quizlet banana, up to 16 oz. Heat 1 tablespoon oil in a large skillet over medium-high, then add 2 pieces of bread at a time, cut side-down. Treat yourselfto a dessert-inspired breakfast!The almonds and banana go perfectly together. 7.8K Likes, 49 Comments. JOE & THE JUICE - 74 Photos & 33 Reviews - Yelp The best plant-based proteins offer an amino acid profile that rivals animal-based proteins, plus fiber and other crucial nutrients. Fitness Goals: Heart Healthy. 16oz: 8 strawberries, 6 ice cubes, 1 piece of banana, fill blender to 15oz with vanilla milk, 12oz: 10 leafs of mint, 6 ice cubes, 1 piece of banana, fill blender to 9oz with vanilla milk All rights reserved. Mangoes and turmeric contain vitamins and antioxidants that are said to help brighten dull skin. First, soak the cashews in boiling hot water. Vi behandler dine personoplysninger for at kunne sende dig nyhedsbrevet. 6 ice cubes, 6-7 pc. Daily Goals How does this food fit into your daily goals? Med venlig hilsen Freja, Det man kan kbe fra Karolines Kkken eller Emmas. chocolate protein shake. Greek yogurt is thicker and makes for a creamier smoothie, but you can substitute plain yogurt if that's what you have. strawberries, 1 pc. Use egg proteininstead of egg for extra-creamy, decadent protein shakes! There are greens in here, but you'd never know it. Weigh down using a small skillet or pot and cook until the pieces are golden brown and crispy, 2 to 3 minutes. Full of flavor and packed withfiber to help you feel fuller, longer. Det er en rigtig brnevenlig milkshake, som falder i god jord hos det mindre publikum. It's got your daily creatine dose, too. Do you love avocado? Discover short videos related to joe and juice power shake on TikTok. It's also ready in about 45 seconds, for those warm mornings when you're wishing you were by the pool but are actually on your way to work. Tropical Punch Protein Shake-30g of protein. 12oz: 15 raspberries, 1 piece of banana, 3 apples, 12oz: 3 ice cubes, 5 leafs of mint, 1 piece of ginger, 3 apples, 12oz: 3 ice cubes, 2-3 carrots, 1 piece of ginger, 3 apples, 12oz: 3 ice cubes, 1/2 a grapefruit, 1 piece of ginger, 3 apples, 12oz: 3 ice cubes, 5 leafs of mint, 2 apples, fill the blender to 12oz with elderflower, 12oz: 6 strawberries*, 1 piece of kiwi, 3 apples, 12oz: 3 ice cubes, 1 piece of ginger, 1/2 a passion fruit, 3 apples, 12oz: 6 strawberries*, 1 piece of ginger, 3 apples, 12oz: 6 strawberries*, 1 piece of banana, fill the blender to 12 oz with elderflower, 12oz: 3 ice cubes, 2 stalks of celery, 2 carrots, 2 apples, 12oz: 3 ice cubes, 2 pieces of beetroots, 1 piece of ginger, 5-6 carrots Breakfastof Champions- 47 g of protein. Chocolate Coffee Shake- 59 g of protein, Rich coffee and delicious chocolate unite for a mocha-inspired shake.. Hej Bon Apptit may earn a portion of sales from products that are purchased through our site as part of our Affiliate Partnerships with retailers. Men det er bare en rigtig god base med vaniljesaucen og mlken, da det giver en god base. Watch popular content from the following creators: JOE & THE JUICE(@joeandthejuice), JOE & THE JUICE(@joeandthejuice), JOE & THE JUICE(@joeandthejuice), JOE & THE JUICE(@joeandthejuice), Christine Gaustad(@christinegaustad), Wasian nordmann slay queen(@elizobelle), Laura Langsted(@lauralangstedd), Bullring . Track macros, calories, and more with MyFitnessPal. 2 followers. Avoshake (Joe & The Juice). A large cup for $10.00 was a price that couldn't be beat, especially downtown! The first location was opened by Kaspar Basse in 2002 with the mission of making "healthy food.